Forex Regulation in Europe – Which Government Bodies Regulate Forex Brokers in the EU?
Forex regulation in Europe falls under MiFID II guidelines, which means that a standard set of rules and regulations apply to all European Union member states equally. A common practice in the EU, which is perfectly legal, is for FX brokers to obtain a license in a region like Cyprus and then “passport” regulation to all EU member states. It’s important to highlight that each EU member state has specific rules and regulations pertaining to their respective country which, in some cases, may supersede EU regulation.
Because of potential differences between pan-EU and member state regulations, it’s helpful to know which regulatory body is responsible for forex & CFD regulation across the European Union. We’ve outlined each EU member state’s regulatory body below and as a supplement also added a couple of non-EU member states to the list in order to provide you with a comprehensive picture.
If your brokerage is seeking regulation in Europe, the most common jurisdiction to obtain a forex broker license would be in Cyprus. After Cyprus, Malta is the next potential jurisdiction to consider, followed by Bulgaria. Finally, the United Kingdom shouldn’t be ruled out from this list. Note, however, that the UK’s relationship with the EU is currently being decided (as of this writing) so specific rules pertaining to the region are subject to change.
To learn more about obtaining a forex broker license in Europe or across the globe, don’t hesitate to contact Atomiq Consulting today in order to discuss FX broker licensing in further detail.
A Complete List of EU Forex & CFD Regulators (Highlight the Flag to View Regulators)
Belgium Regulator
Services and Markets Authority (Autoriteit Voor Financiële Diensten En Markten) – FSMA
Croatia Regulator
Croatian Financial
Services Supervisory Agency (Hrvatska agencija za nadzor
financijskih usluga) – HANFA
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Italy Regulator
Financial Market Authority (Commissione nazionale per le società e la borsa) – CONSOB
Latvia Regulator
Financial and Capital Market Commission (Finanšu un kapitāla tirgus komisija) – FCMC
Luxembourg Regulator
Sector Supervisory Commission (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) – CSSF
Malta Regulator
Malta Financial Services Authority (Awtorità tas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta’Malta) – MFSA
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Portugal Regulator
Romania Regulator
National Securities Commission (Comisia Națională a Valorilor Mobiliare) – CNVMR
Russia Regulator
Spanish Securities Market Commission (Comisia Națională a Valorilor
Mobiliare) – FMRRC
Ukraine Regulator
National Securities and Stock Market (Національна комісія з цінних паперів та фондового ринку) – NSSMC

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