Forex Trader Cabinet – A Must Have for Every Forex Broker

What is the Forex Trader’s Cabinet?

Our Forex Trading Cabinet is a portal designed not only for your clients to interact with, but a versatile tool that will help to improve the success of your brokerage. From the standpoint of your clients, the Trader Cabinet will allow them view critical information pertaining to their account, update account related details, deposit funds, and request withdrawals. From the broker’s viewpoint, the Forex Trading Portal will offer a variety of reporting tools, help to automate system processes, and improve the overall efficiency of the brokerage.

Because Atomiq Consulting also specializes in website design services, we can easily implement our Forex Trading Cabinet into your newly designed website. If your broker already has an existing website, that’s not an issue at all, as we can integrate the technology into your broker’s current website as well.

Ways In Which Our Forex Trader Cabinet Benefits Your Traders

By integrating our Forex Trading Cabinet to your broker’s website, you will significantly improve your clients trading experience. Consider just a few of the advantages:

  • Automation of deposits & withdrawals
  • Integration with an online application form to simplify the account application process
  • Ability to upload documentation directly into the portal while applying for a live trading account
  • Automatic email alerts based on account application status
  • Reporting capabilities as well as account management functionality: changing passwords, updating addresses, and requesting account changes are just a few examples!
  • Ability to instantly generate new demo accounts via the portal or broker website

Trader Cabinet

How Does Our Forex Trader Cabinet Benefit Your Brokerage?

  • Process Streamlining – The Forex Trading Cabinet will serve as a single portal for all incoming online applications and the documents which accompany them. This will make it possible to streamline the application process by having everything organized under a single portal.
  • Automation of Communication – Our technology makes it possible for clients to receive emails based on specific account activity automatically, for example when an account application has been approved. Live account holders can also receive various automatic confirmations after requesting withdrawals or other account-related changes.
  • Reporting Advantages – We’ve worked hard to deliver a variety of reports that we feel are helpful to the success of your brokerage. Examples include data pertaining to trading volume, products traded, most active clients, IB performance, and many more!

The Atomiq Consulting Forex Trader Cabinet – A Win/Win For Traders And Brokers Alike

Given the competitive nature of online forex trading, it’s highly recommended that your broker feature a client portal area for your end users. Not only will the client experience improve when your broker launches a Trading Cabinet on its website, the many advantages offered to brokers will allow the business to scale. If you haven’t built a website yet, our Forex Trading Cabinet is an excellent complement to our existing forex website design services.

To request a demonstration of the software, obtain a price quote, and ask further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today!

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